maanantai 24. marraskuuta 2008

Day after first weekend

During the weekend, that felt like it last a week!:), we had got accustomed at least to the urban way of life in ZA. So far we've experienced plenty of new things every day. And there're surely lots and lots of things still left for us to discover, especially wonders of nature outside the concrete jungle. We aim to publish the highlights here, even though trying hard to recall, some things simply do not incarnate to mind at the right moment and sometimes one thinks that one thing is not worth it to publish though someone else might think it is.

During the first days we woke up rather late by African standards and so we decided to alter our habits so that we would be awake soon after sunrise and aim to finish our daily businesses by sunset because it was time to put pure leisure time activities on hold for now.

And we wanted to avoid crazy traffic jams, so we hit the road early in the morning and requested our scrupulous navigator buddy to guide us to the Nokia Siemens Networks' premises in Centurion, about 20 kilometers away from our present home neighbourhood Waverley.

We arrived to our destination on schedule and so we had time to enjoy breakfast at some local joint before entering NSN's offices. We had worked on our project during the weekend and previous weeks, so we knew what to do to get forward. We are going to do some interviews in the coming days so now the mission is to get prepared so that we will surely get the correct sort of result data to work with later on.

After working hours we had intention to do some sport but when we were supposed to go out Mother Nature decided to give us spout of rain with thunder included, not at all surprising weather condition in Gauteng province this time of the year. Hopefully tomorrow will have more energy to do some exercise or soon our physical conditions start to get worsen.

We filled up our vehicle's fuel tank first time today. In this country no need to do anything except drive next to the pump and you will get full service as long as got some rands to spare.

Our highly respected Chef's flu from few weeks back made comeback, but regardless of that he still bravely cooked amazingly delicious dinner for all of us, occasion that the undersigned has to amend some day.

But now gotta get some sleep to have energy to operate efficiently next day.


2 kommenttia:

Kaberle kirjoitti...

Hyden Villen kommentia ootellaan kotosuomessa vesi kielellä ja kädet silmillä. Näyttää vaan kuvien perusteella menneen Mr.Hyden touhu enemmän maljahommiks, mutta eiköhän se siitä pikkuhiljaa tasotu. Otappa Hyden Ville ihan rauhassa siellä!

Kaberle kirjoitti...

Huolta kantavat: Korporaatio, Jökelberg, Grorud IL sekä Kasuardo.